Success Stories

Sunil’s difference is his passion for continuous learning. He has attended the top leadership development programmes in the world; today Sunil is a much sought after coach and consultant. He is an avid reader, always on the look-out for future business and executive education trends.

Sunil is playing a vital role in the strategy formation and execution for our global, niche and innovative ‘adaptive leadership’ development company (AgilityShip). He brings a wealth of cross-cultural, corporate and senior management experience which customers and my other team members can relate to him instantly.

Sunil combines his thought leadership with mine and other colleagues’ to offer tailored personal, team and business development solutions in challenging times. On top of all this, I’m delighted to write and co-teach with him. In this manner, he passes on his wisdom to younger managers and entrepreneurs across the world.

Dr. Paul Aitken – Founder Agilityship

“Working with Sunil helped me change my outlook towards business growth. There is no quick hack to growth. Working on a sustainable model helped me realign my focus areas for the long term.”

Promoter-Owner and CEO, Facilities Management & Retail firm

“The main things with finding someone to discuss business problems at a C-level are transparency and trust. With Sunil, this came very naturally. His background in psychology and approach as a friendly mentor helped me find a thinking partner in him – someone whom I can go to when I need a sounding board and a positive outlook.”

CEO, Singaporean Firm

“With Sunil’s coaching, we have been able to bring both the senior management team and Gen X on the same page. We now appreciate that we are all working towards a common organisational vision as one unit, like a family.”

CEO, IT Services Company

“Working with Sunil helped me work through and adapt to the complexities of working with a large, professionally-run organisation. I have witnessed a significant change in my approach to everyday challenges at work. I am much more positive and focused now. While we met initially in person, we moved our sessions to Skype later on. This made it really convenient and effective. I’m sure professionals can leverage the Skype coaching model with Sunil if they are serious about making it work.”

General Manager, Human Resources, Large Firm

“Sunil’s approach is very personalised. Since he comes with expertise in psychology, it’s easy for him to look deeper into problems. Working with Sunil made me realise that my earlier education and experience were not enough to grow. I needed to constantly upgrade myself. Also, with my demeanour, I was not seen as a team player earlier. That has changed now and I have been able to build positive relationships with colleagues at work.”

Deputy General Manager, Multinational Firm

Case Studies


General Manager – Human Resources working with a large firm


42 years


The client had moved from a small, family-managed enterprise to a professionally-managed large organisation. Not accustomed to the systems and processes of large, distributed companies, he was finding it difficult to work. Moreover, with a complex reporting structure, he was feeling overwhelmed about working with three managers.


Sunil’s coaching helped the client overcome his resistance to change. Encouraged to leverage the professional ecosystem around him, the client has changed his outlook to appreciate the benefits of the robust infrastructure, policies, training and learning opportunities at his new organisation.


What felt like a hurdle earlier has now become an enabler for the client. In his new role, the client now leverages an expansive professional ecosystem to make better decisions at work. Moreover, the systematic approach to work makes it easier for the client to shoulder multiple responsibilities seamlessly.


CEO of a facilities management & retail firm


52 years


The client is the Promoter-owner and Chief Executive Officer of a growing facilities management & retail business. In its first five years, the business had witnessed rapid growth. However, for the last one year, business growth was beginning to stagnate. The client was struggling to cope with the slow pace of growth.


Sunil worked closely with the client to understand the business landscape, opportunities and challenges. The idea was to help the client appreciate that there is no silver bullet to explosive growth. Instead, it was much more important to focus on sustainable growth. Sunil coached the CEO on business growth in uncertain times and provided guidance on transforming the business from a local-only player to a global enterprise. Further, Sunil encouraged the CEO to expand business territories beyond the client’s comfort zone.


By working on a sustainable growth strategy and analysing its results, the client found that achieving goals and growth targets set for the organisation was a lot more within reach.


An IT services company with a team size of 50+ members


An IT services company that has been running for nearly 10 years, the client was finding it difficult to bridge the generation gap among its workforce. The client’s senior management team - with an average age of 45 years - was facing differences of opinion, outlook, beliefs and attitudes with Generation X team members, due to the generation gap.


To foster cross-generation collaboration, Sunil coached both the senior management team and the Gen Xers on their individual responsibilities towards:

  • Ensuring open communication and transparency
  • Fostering a sense of family and belongingness
  • Building a culture of mutual respect

The company now works to leverage the experience of its seniors and synergises it with the energy and new ideas of Generation X.


With Sunil’s intervention, the client has built a well-rounded workplace culture without nurturing any stereotypes. The team members have tided over their different characteristics and expectations and work together with an inclusive approach, for better decision-making.


CEO of a Singaporean firm


The client serves as the CEO of a firm in Singapore. Being at the top, the client could neither discuss complex business challenges with his team nor reach out to the Board of Directors every now and then. The situation was beginning to affect the client’s performance.


Sunil worked closely with the client to create self-awareness, help him think positively and inculcate mindfulness. Sunil also helped to create a community around the client to discuss problems. By working with an approach that combined psychological and performance aspects, Sunil helped the CEO mitigate the feeling of vulnerability and loneliness that comes with being at the helm.


The client was able to recognise and deal with the susceptibility by acting quickly, breaking the cycle of negativity and building an ecosystem to discuss issues and ideas openly.